Dr. Narayanan Jayaraman is Williams-Wells Fargo Professor of Finance in the Scheller College of Business. He received his Ph. D. from the Katz Graduate School of Business of the University of Pittsburgh. His previous degrees include an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management - Calcutta, and a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology - Madras. Prior to attending the Ph. D. program, he was employed as a planning manager for five years at Premier Automobiles Ltd., a large automobile organization in Mumbai, India. Dr. Jayaraman received his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) qualification in 2004. Dr. Jayaraman's research interests are in the areas of Corporate Governance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Bankruptcy, Option and Equity Market Linkages, and Entrepreneurial Finance. He served as a director on the board of Eastern Financial Association. He is a member of the Program Committee for the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings as well as an ad-hoc referee for several professional journals. He has made over 100 presentations at national and international conferences including the American Finance Association, the Western Finance Association, the Financial Management Association, and the European Financial Management Association. He has published 45 scholarly articles in various journals including the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Corporate Finance, the Journal of Financial Markets, the Strategic Management Journal, and the Journal of International Business Studies. He is listed in the top four percentile in “Most Prolific Authors in Finance Literature, 1959-2008.” His research has been cited in major press publications including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Washington Post, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Chicago Tribune, Money Magazine, and The Street.com. His paper on the post-listing puzzle won the best paper award at the fourth annual Pacific-Basin conference in Hong Kong. His paper “Institutional investors’ trading behaviour in mergers and acquisitions” published in Advances in Financial Economicshas been selected by the editorial team as an Outstanding Author Contribution in the 2015 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. His research papers won the best paper award at the India Finance Conferences in 2018 and 2019. He has won several teaching awards including Brady Family Award for Faculty Teaching Excellence, Institute Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence award, Roe Stamps, IV Excellence-in-Teaching award, Lilly Teaching Fellowship award, Core Professor of the year award in the MBA program, and the Professor of the year in the EMBA-MOT program. He has also been recognized for outstanding teaching in the BusinessWeek Guide to Best Business Schools. He has taught in several executive education programs. He has also served as a consultant for several organizations. He won the 2010 Georgia Tech Outstanding Service Award. This honor is in recognition of his conscientious professional service and dedicated support of Georgia Tech. He won the 2020 Ernest Scheller Jr. Award. This honor recognizes a faculty or staff member who aspires to service excellence and who acts as an outstanding role model.