Runa Sarkar

Runa Sarkar
Academic Group: Economics
Phone No.: +91-33-24678300-7
Email ID.: runa
Contact Details:
Economics Group, IIM Calcutta Kolkata 700104 Ph.: 033-24678300-7 extn 759, M: +919163007753 Email:;
Academic Background:
Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta;
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill , USA ;
B.E. (Hons) Che, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, INDIA
Courses Taught:
Microeconomics; Economics of Corporate Environmental Strategy; Green Manufacturing; Managerial Economics; Managing in the Global Economy: An Indian Perspective; Economic Analysis for Managers; Economics of Business Policy; Strategic Management
2010 Paper in Journal of Advances in Management Research chosen as Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards 2005-2009: Commended by the Senate of IIT Kanpur for being rated as among the best instructors in Professional courses on the basis of ‘Student Reaction Survey’ every semester • 2007: Received Best Paper Award for “IT, Social Capital and the Digital Ecosystem: A new approach to online content co-creation” at the Second National Conference on Interdependence, Integration and Co-creation ( IIC ), India • 2003: Special Merit Award conferred by Director, IIMC, for outstanding performance in course work (highest CGPA among PGP and FP students at the end of six terms) • 2002: Selected by IIMC to attend a Summer Course on Opportunities and Challenges in Transitional Economies at Leipzig, Germany Of 23 international students, was among two students to get a perfect score of 1 • 1993-1995: Research Assistantships from University of North Carolina and National Science Foundation, USA for study at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. • 1993: Graduated 1st out of 60 and 7th out of 700 among Chemical Engineering Students and Outgoing Batch, respectively from BITS, Pilani
Consulting Interests:
SAP, South Africa – Exploring and Analysing the Information Needs of Very Small Enterprises in India ;‘Repositioning Max Mueller Bhavan, Kolkata to Extend its Influence to younger generations while improving its services for its current partners and well wishers’.
Current Projects:
1. Runa Sarkar, Towards Sustainable Development: Exploring Environmental Behaviour of Small Businesses in India, accepted at the International Conference on Sustainability and Beyond, Shillong, Dec 2010. Select papers will be published 2. Runa Sarkar, Leveraging Social Capital to Transform Communities of Practice into Digital Knowledge Networks: Theoretical Insights and Experiences, WPS-664, IIM Calcutta Working Paper Series, November 2010 3. Runa Sarkar, Inclusive Development and Temporary Organizations: Field Notes from a Changing Landscape, WPS-666, IIM Calcutta Working Paper Series, November 2010 4. Runa Sarkar, ‘Valuing the Ecosystem Benefits of Treatment or Manmade Wetlands using Conventional Economic Indicators – A Case Study of the East Calcutta Wetlands’, Occasional Paper No. 01/2002, Department of Business Management, Calcutta University, January 2002
Work Experience:
INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR Assistant Professor, Industrial and Management Engineering Department;
TATA KORF ENGINEERING SERVICES LIMITED Business Manager – Dyson Hotwork Products and Services
Journal Publications:
Refereed Journals
- Basanth.K, Runa Sarkar and Binayak Rath, ‘A Fuzzy Logic Based Approach to Assess for Sustainability in the Mining and Mineral Sector’ accepted by Sustainable Development, October 2010
- Yogendra Kumar, Runa Sarkar and Sanjeev Swami, Cluster-based Diffusion: Aggregate and Disaggregate level Modeling, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol 6, Issue 1, pages 8-26, 2009 The paper has been chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2010
- Basanth.K, Runa Sarkar and Binayak Rath, 2009 ,In search of a Methodology to Assess Sustainability for Mining and Mineral Sector, PES Business Review ,Volume 4,issue 1, January 2009,P.22-31
- Radhika Rajagopalan and Runa Sarkar, IT, Social Capital and the Digital Ecosystem: A New Approach to Online Content Cocreation, Management Dynamics, Vol 8, No.1, pages 41-56, 20081
- Runa Sarkar, Public Policy and Corporate Environmental Behaviour: A Broader View, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Vol 15, Issue 5, Pages 281-297, 2007
- Runa Sarkar and Lori Todd, ‘Tomographic Reconstruction of Air Pollutants: Evaluation of Measurement Geometries’, Applied Optics, Vol. 36, No. 30, Oct. 1997
- Runa Sarkar and Lori Todd, ‘Spatial and Temporal Visualisation of Gases and Vapors in Air Using Computed Tomography – Numerical Studies’, Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 41, No. 1, Jan 1997
- Runa Sarkar and S K Sharma, ‘Adsorption Phenomena for Industrial Waste Water’, Chemical Weekly, Nov 1992
Other Non refereed Journals, Magazines, Conferences, Symposia and Book Reviews
- Nagaraju Pappu, Runa Sarkar, T.V. Prabhakar, "Agropedia: Humanization of Agricultural Knowledge: Web Extra," IEEE Internet Computing, p. Sup1, September/October, 2010 doi:10.1109/MIC.2010.108
- Nagaraj Pappu, Runa Sarkar T V Prabhakar, Agropedia: Humanization of Agricultural Knowledge,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 14, no. 5 , 2010, p. 57–59;
- Runa Sarkar, T V Prabhakar, Meeta Bagga Bhatia, agropedia – Revolutionizing Indian Agriculture, I4D Magazine on ICT for Agricultural and Rural Development, January-March 2010,
- September 2009 European Commission Review Panel, Brussels, Overview of activities conducted under the AEGIS of OPAALs project by IIT Kanpur
- September 2009 European Commission Review Panel, Brussels, Overview of activities conducted under the AEGIS of OPAALs project by IIT Kanpur
- Debashish Pattanaik and Runa Sarkar, Kisan Blog an Web 2.0 application for promoting agricultural knowledge services in India, The Participatory Web: New Potential for ICT in rural Areas, gtz Bulletin, 2009. 2
- Yogendra Kumar, Runa Sarkar and Sanjeev Swami, Cluster-Based Diffusion: Aggregate and Disaggregate Level Modeling, Working Paper, IIMC Supply Chain management Center, June 2008
- Shilpa Rastogi and Runa Sarkar, Enhancing Competition: The Case of the Indian Life Insurance Industry, Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporates, IIM Kozhikode, May 2007
- September 2007 European Commission Review Panel, Brussels, Overview of activities conducted under the AEGIS of OPAALs project by IIT Kanpur
- September, 2007 Web2for Dev, Participatory Web for Development Conference at Rome, as participant and to socialize the DEAL and AGROPEDIA projects
- March 2008 REACH SYMPOSIUM, Khajuraho, Participant
- Runa Sarkar, Book Review of Environmental Economics An Indian Perspective, R N Bhattacharya (ed.), Decision, Vol. 29 , No. 1, Jan-Jun 2002
- Runa Sarkar, Book Review of Environmental Economics, U Sankar (ed.), Decision, Vol. 28, No. 1, Jan-Jun 2001
- Runa Sarkar, ‘Tata Korf Mini Steel Plant Technology-Environmental Aspects’, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Environmental Management in the Steel Industry Towards Sustainable Development, June 1997
- Ad hoc reviewer, Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Business Ethics Education.
- Amritesh and Sarkar, R. (2009). "Conceptualizing 'Knowledge Organisms' for a sustainable Digital Knowledge Ecosystem". Proceedings on Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystem and Human Space Computing. Istanbul2
- Amritesh, Runa Sarkar Knowledge Creation in Agropedia: Towards a Methodology to Compare Peer Content to Certified Content, The International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES),Lyon, France, 20092
- Amritesh and Sarkar, R. (2009)."Methodology to Evaluate and Compare Knowledge Creation in agropedia". 5th eINDIA International conference 2009, August Hyderabad, India2Amritesh and Runa Sarkar, ‘Identifying and Capturing Knowledge from Networked Knowledge Spaces – Theoretical Insights and Applications’, Second Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic digitaL ecosystems (OPAALS) Conference, Finland, 20082
- Debashish Pattanaik, Jayanta Chatterjee and Runa Sarkar, ‘Sociology of Digital Communities: Bridging the Gap between Theories of “Internet Spectatorship” and “Rule System Theory”, Second Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic digitaL ecosystems (OPAALS) Conference, Finland, 20081
- Radhika Rajagopalan and Runa Sarkar (2008), Communities, Social Capital and Information Communication Technology – How the Digital Ecosystem Approach can work, IEEE DEST ’08, Thailand2
- Radhika Rajagopalan and Runa Sarkar (2008), A Digital Ecosystem Approach to using ICT for Sustainable Development in Communities, IEEE DEST ’08, Thailand2
- Basanth.K, Runa Sarkar and Binayak Rath, ‘In Quest of a Methodology to Assess Sustainability for Mining and Mineral Sector’ Proceedings of National seminar on Environmental Management in Mining and Allied Industries(EMMA-2008), organized by Department of Mining Engineering Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu University on 7th-8th November,2008
- Radhika Rajagopalan and Runa Sarkar (2007), IT, Social Capital and the Digital Ecosystem: A new approach to online content co-creation, Second National Conference on Interdependence, Integration and Co-creation ( IIC ), India .
- Radhika Rajagopalan and Runa Sarkar (2007), The Impact of DEAL on Community Networks: A Case Review, First Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic digitaL ecosystems (OPAALS) Conference, Italy1
- Radhika Rajagopalan and Runa Sarkar (2007), Digital Ecosystems – Community Networks or Networked Communities?, First Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic digitaL ecosystems (OPAALS) Conference, Italy1
- Radhika Rajagopalan and Runa Sarkar (2007), Digital Networks and Sustainability: Do we need the Government?’, Second International Conference on the Digital Society (ICDS 2008), February 10-15, 2008, Sainte Luce, Martinique, France. IEEE Computer Society 20081
- Jayanta Chatterjee, Runa Sarkar and Debashish Pattnaik (2007), Mediating the Dialectic Relations between Indigenous Knowledge and Identity: Lessons from DEAL Project, First Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic digitaL ecosystems (OPAALS) 1 Conference, Italy
- Runa Sarkar, Jayanta Chatterjee and T.V. Prabhakar, “Towards Digital Ecosystems for Skill Based Industrial Clusters: Lessons from the DEAL Project, IEEE International Digital Ecosystems and Technology Conference, Australia Feb 20071
Research Interests:
- Development Projects as Temporary Organisations: Lessons in Inclusion and Empowerment, Joint Project Director with Prof. Anup Sinha ; NAIP – Redesigning the Farmer- extension-agricultural research/education continuum in India with ICT-mediated knowledge management ;OPAALS
Books/Book Chapters:
- Joint Editor (with Dr Sambit Basu and Dr Ajay Pandey), India Infrastructure Report 2010, Infrastructure Development in a Sustainable Low Carbon Economy: Road Ahead for India
- Joint Editor (with Mr Nirmal Mohanty and Dr Ajay Pandey), India Infrastructure Report 2009, Land- A Critical Resource for Infrastructure
Book Chapters
- Runa Sarkar, Overview of the Report, India Infrastructure Report 2009, Oxford, (pp. 1-9) New Delhi, 2009
- Runa Sarkar and Jayanta Chatterjee, A Digital Ecosystem Model for Competitive Agriculture in the Knowledge Economy, in Khanijo and Chandra (eds) Knowledge Economy the Indian Challenge, 2009, Sage Publications, New Delhi
- Anuradha Sivakumar and Runa Sarkar, Hedging by Indian Firms in Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe and Kakani (eds) Corporate Finance 2008, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
- Bhaskar Chakrabarti and Runa Sarkar, Sukhobrishti Model of Affordable Housing and New Townships, India Infrastructure Report 2008, Oxford, (pp. 153-155) New Delhi, 2008.
- Runa Sarkar, Corporate Environmental Behaviour: A Comparative Study of Firms in the Indian Steel and Paper Industry, Taming Corporate Capitalism: New Perspectives on Business Regulation for Sustainable Development, Peter Utting (ed.), Oxford, (pp. 131-150) New Delhi, 2008
- Jayanta Chatterjee, T. V. Prabhakar and Runa Sarkar, Evolution of a Digital Ecosystem for Knowledge Services to Indian Agriculture , Digital Business Ecosystems, F. Nachira, P. Dini, A.Nicolai, M.Le Louarn, L.Rivera Lèon (eds.), European Commission, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007 - ISBN 92-79-01817-5
- Runa Sarkar, Policy Approaches to Induce Corporate Social Responsibility in Public and Private-Sector Firms in Developing Countries, Controversies in International Corporate Responsibility, International Corporate Responsibility Series, Volume 3, John Hooker, John F. Hulpke, and Peter Madsen, Editors, Philosophy Documentation Centre, Pittsburg, 2007
- Runa Sarkar and Bhaskar Chakrabarti, “Rural Environment”, India Infrastructure Report 2006, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 226-246,
- Sarkar, R, “Corporate Environmental Behaviour: A Comparative Study of two firms in the Indian Paper Industry”, Green Business, Allied Publishers, 2006, pp. 35-58,
- Nagaraju Pappu, Runa Sarkar, T.V. Prabhakar, "Agropedia: Humanization of Agricultural Knowledge: Web Extra," IEEE Internet Computing, p. Sup1, September/October, 2010 doi:10.1109/MIC.2010.108
- Nagaraj Pappu, Runa Sarkar T V Prabhakar, Agropedia: Humanization of Agricultural Knowledge,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 14, no. 5 , 2010, p. 57–59;
- Runa Sarkar, T V Prabhakar, Meeta Bagga Bhatia, agropedia – Revolutionizing Indian Agriculture, I4D Magazine on ICT for Agricultural and Rural Development, January-March 2010,
- September 2009 European Commission Review Panel, Brussels, Overview of activities conducted under the AEGIS of OPAALs project by IIT Kanpur
- September 2009 European Commission Review Panel, Brussels, Overview of activities conducted under the AEGIS of OPAALs project by IIT Kanpur
- Debashish Pattanaik and Runa Sarkar, Kisan Blog an Web 2.0 application for promoting agricultural knowledge services in India, The Participatory Web: New Potential for ICT in rural Areas, gtz Bulletin, 2009. 2
- Yogendra Kumar, Runa Sarkar and Sanjeev Swami, Cluster-Based Diffusion: Aggregate and Disaggregate Level Modeling, Working Paper, IIMC Supply Chain management Center, June 2008
- Shilpa Rastogi and Runa Sarkar, Enhancing Competition: The Case of the Indian Life Insurance Industry, Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporates, IIM Kozhikode, May 2007
- September 2007 European Commission Review Panel, Brussels, Overview of activities conducted under the AEGIS of OPAALs project by IIT Kanpur
- September, 2007 Web2for Dev, Participatory Web for Development Conference at Rome, as participant and to socialize the DEAL and AGROPEDIA projects
- March 2008 REACH SYMPOSIUM, Khajuraho, Participant
- Runa Sarkar, Book Review of Environmental Economics An Indian Perspective, R N Bhattacharya (ed.), Decision, Vol. 29 , No. 1, Jan-Jun 2002
- Runa Sarkar, Book Review of Environmental Economics, U Sankar (ed.), Decision, Vol. 28, No. 1, Jan-Jun 2001
- Runa Sarkar, ‘Tata Korf Mini Steel Plant Technology-Environmental Aspects’, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Environmental Management in the Steel Industry Towards Sustainable Development, June 1997
- Ad hoc reviewer, Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Business Ethics Education.