Divya Sharma

Fellow (IIM Calcutta), B.Tech (NIT Hamirpur)

E mail: divya.nith@gmail.com

Divya Sharma

Divya Sharma completed her dissertation titled “Opening the Black Box of Matching Facilities for E-business Websites” under the joint guidance of Prof. Uttam K. Sarkar and Prof. Biswatosh Saha, with Prof. Rahul Roy serving as a member of her Thesis Advisory Committee. Her doctoral thesis investigates the role of social media platforms as ‘matching facilities’ that connect e-business websites with their potential customers. Adopting a sociomaterial lens, and using actor-network theory as a methodological and conceptual device, the thesis ‘opens the black box’ of a social media platform to show that what the platform affords its users are nothing but collective, on-going accomplishments of diverse actors – social, material and algorithmic – often separated in space and time.

Prior to joining the doctoral program at IIM Calcutta, Divya has worked in a private software development firm, and in the public sector under the Department of IT, Government of India. She is now actively involved in both research and teaching, with her interests lying at the confluence of the ‘Social’ and the ‘Technological’.

Public Profile: https://in.linkedin.com/in/sharmadivya