Sl. No.Academic GroupCourse NameCourse CodeCourse Instructor (s)Course Objectives
1EconomicsInternational EconomicsEC-EX103Prof. Parthapratim Pal
  • Introducing the students to theories and practices of international economics and to help them to use their understanding of the evolving pattern of international trade and finance to make more informed business decisions.
  • Understanding why countries engage in international trade and what are the gains from trade
  • Familiarizing the students with evolving pattern of international trade and highlight how long-distance commerce is likely to evolve in the near future
  • Interpreting the various trade policy measures like tariffs, quotas, standards, subsidies and export incentives from national as well as international perspectives.
  • Knowing about the multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization (WTO) and various policy tools available under the WTO like the Anti-Dumping duty, the Countervailing duties, dispute settlement etc.
  • Understanding the Free Trade Agreements, like the NAFTA, RCEP and their importance in global business.
  • Being aware of the trade policy measures under these different regimes will provide future business managers a better perspective of the international business environment.
  • Providing detailed analysis of exchange rates and balance of payments.
  • Sensitizing students about capital flows and their impact on the real and financial sectors of a country. This will help the students to understand the role and policies of the Reserve Bank of India in managing internal and external stability of the country.
2Operations ManagementSupply Chain ManagementOM-EX105Prof. Peeyush Mehta
  • Knowing the fundamentals of Supply Chain Management (SCM) including its role in an organization and in integrating firms in a supply chain
  • Being aware of the various concepts in SCM like coordination, planning for uncertainty, supply contracts, logistics management, outsourcing and procurement management.
  • Applying various analytical methods and tools so that students are able to measure and evaluate various facets of supply chain performance.
  • Acknowledging practices in SCM that differentiate successful firms from others.
3Finance & ControlDerivativesFI-EX106Prof. Sudhakar Reddy
  • Being cognizant of the defining characteristics of derivatives,
  • Investigating the mechanics of forward and futures market, Use forwards and futures for hedging purposes and Understand the option Greeks
  • Determining the prices of forwards and futures,
  • Exploring Interest rate forwards and futures,
  • Understanding working of Swap markets along with their valuation
  • Learning about derivative products on weather and energy
  • Comprehending the mechanics and properties of Options markets,
  • Formulating trading strategies using options,
  • Learning to use Binomial as well as Black-Scholes Option Pricing Models
  • Learning the basics of Futures options and Exotic Options
4MarketingB2B MarketingMK-EX106Prof. Koushiki Choudhury
  • Providing basic information and terminology on business marketing,
  • Understanding business markets and how they differ from consumer markets
  • Developing interest in organizational buying behaviour and the needs and motivations shaping that behaviour.
  • Exploring ethical issues in business marketing and Branding in business markets
  • Investigating long-term partnering relationships with customers versus making immediate sales
  • Discerning service quality management, measurement and monitoring in business markets
5Management Information SystemsHigh Tech Product Management in PracticeMI- EX272Prof. Anik Mukherjee & Prof. Arun Iyer (PTVF)
  • Articulating the core responsibilities of the Product Management role in Technology organizations
  • Familiarizing with the tools used by Product Managers
  • Identifying key metrics determining success and failure of a product
  • Inculcating an analytical approach to evaluating and creating common Product Management artifacts (e.g. Functional Specification Document, User Experience Flow Diagrams)
  • Revisiting technology architecture components used to create Mobile Apps and Websites, and their interactions,
  • Appreciating the effect of rapid digital disruption in everyday life and in the workplace
  • Designing org-structures and processes within high-tech Product-led organizations to enable agility and drive superior market outcomes.
6Management Information SystemsManaging Digital TransformationMI - EX273Prof. Abhipsa Pal
  • Being cognizant of the digital capabilities that firms need to have,
  • Appreciating the skills required for product management in the digital era and Understand role of SMACIT innovations
  • Recognizing the relevance of new digital platforms
  • Interpreting the scope and potential of digital transformation
  • Valuing the need to manage radically successful businesses using continuous innovation through digital
  • Acknowledging the relationship between strategy and digital transformation.
Sl. No. Academic Group Course Name Course Code Course Instructor(s) Course Objectives
1 Economics International Economics EC-EX103 Dr. Nisigandha Bhuyan
  • Introduce the students to theories and practices of international economics and to help them to the use their understanding of evolving pattern of international trade and finance to make more informed business decisions.
  • Understand why countries engage in international trade and what are the gains from trade, the various trade policy measures like tariffs, quotas, standards, subsidies and export incentives from national as well as international perspectives.
  • Familiarize the students with evolving pattern of international trade and highlight how long-distance commerce is likely to evolve in the near future.
  • Know about the multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization (WTO) and various policy tools available under the WTO like the Anti-Dumping duty, the Countervailing duties, dispute settlement etc.
  • Comprehend Free Trade Agreements like the NAFTA, RCEP and their importance in global business, fathom how the trade policy measures under these different regimes will provide future business managers a better perspective of the international business environment.
  • Sensitize students about capital flows and their impact on the real and financial sectors of a country.
2 Management Information Systems Managing Digital Transformation MI-EX273 Dr. Abhipsa Pal
  • Enable students to be cognizant of the digital capabilities that firms need to have.
  • Appreciate the skills required for product management in the digital era.
  • Understand role of SMACIT innovations.
  • Appreciate the relevance of new digital platforms.
  • Help fathom the scope and potential of digital transformation.
  • Apprehend the need to manage radically successful businesses using continuous innovation through digital.
  • Gain understanding of the relationship between strategy and digital transformation.
3 Operations Management Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics OM-EX119 Dr. Bodhibrata Nag
  • Understand Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Comprehend The Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
    -Define and differentiate the People, Planet, and Profit dimensions of TBL
  • Examine Sustainable Supply Chains
    -Investigate the importance of sustainable practices in supply chain management.
    -Identify strategies to create environmentally and socially responsible supply chains
  • Learn to apply Concepts through Simulation.
  • Apply SDGs, TBL, and sustainable supply chain principles to make strategic decisions in the areas of supplier contracting, multiple sourcing, processor selection, operations, warehouse, and supply chain management, category management, farmer interventions, CO2 compensation etc.
4 Finance and Control Derivatives FI-EX106 Dr. Sudhakar Reddy
  • Understand the defining characteristics of derivatives and the mechanics of forward and futures markets.
  • Develop a sound understanding of the theory and practice of derivative products at an advanced level.
  • Learn the mechanics of forward, futures, options, and swaps.
  • Formulate hedging strategies using forwards, futures, and options, speculative and arbitrage strategies using forwards, futures, and options.
  • Understand derivative products in different domestic as well as international markets
  • Learn about exotic products available in the derivatives markets around the world
5 Finance and Control Fintech FI-EX123 Dr. Sudarshan Kumar
  • Understand the current fintech landscape and the recent fintech developments and analyse their impact on the financial services industries
  • Gain knowledge of blockchain technology and cryptography
  • Apprehend artificial intelligence and machine learning in the context of finance
  • Analyse the process of various fintech disruptions in banking, payment, lending, Investment Management & trading.
  • Gain awareness of the regulatory challenges associated with the fintech platforms.
6 Marketing B2B Marketing MK-EX106 Dr. Koushiki Choudhury
  • Provide basic information and terminology on business marketing.
  • Understand business markets and how they differ from consumer markets, grasp the spirit of organizational buying behavior and the needs and motivations shaping that behavior.
  • Explore ethical issues in business marketing and appreciate long-term partnering relationships with customers versus making immediate sales.
  • Develop understanding of branding in business markets.
  • Sensitize students about service quality management, measurement and monitoring in business markets. Delve into new emerging areas in business marketing and come up with how the frontiers of business marketing can be expanded in new, relevant dimensions
7 Marketing Strategic Brand Management MK-EX109 Dr.Karnika Bains and C.D.Mitra
  • Understand the world of branding and its techniques and tools, create different types of brands and elements that form a brand.
  • Learn to design marketing programs that communicate the value of a brand.
  • Use marketing tactics to develop, position, and sustain brands.
  • Recognize sensitive nuances of cross-cultural branding and related elements.
  • Frame brand architecture and design brand portfolios.
  • Analyse brand extensions and related concepts.
  • Gather risks and opportunities for a brand going through a crisis and fathom aspects of navigating brands in a dynamic environment.
  • Communicating brand value to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Quantifying the effects of branding activities and relating market performance to brand value.
8 Marketing Digital and Social Media Marketing MK-EX117 Dr. Saravana Jaikumar
  • Understand how digital marketing and social media can transform marketing into a revenue center rather than a cost center.
  • Learn to utilize metrics and measurement as core tenets of modern marketing practices.
  • Integrate design, technology, and business objectives to create cohesive and effective communication strategies for targeting customers in the digital world.