Sl. No. Academic Group Course Name Course Code Course Instructor(s) Course Objectives
1 Economics Microeconomics EC-EX101 Dr. Runa Sarkar
  • Cover broad principles of Microeconomics that underlie and affect all business decisions.
  • Traverse through important features of consumer behaviour, firm decision-making, and government interventions.
  • Explore how the aggregation of individual decisions determines market outcomes.
  • Focus on production, costs, and the salient aspects of firm behaviour.
  • Delve into alternative industry structures and the exercise of market power by firms.
  • Examine firm pricing strategies in monopolistic and oligopolistic industries and the impact of asymmetric information, externalities, and public goods on market outcomes and welfare.
2 Organizational Behaviour Human Behaviour at Work OB-EX101 Dr. Nimruji Prasad & Dr. Abhishek Goel
  • Examine and understand factors contributing to one’s own effectiveness, and team and organizational success.
  • Try and find answers to the guiding tenet, “why do people behave the way they do?”
  • Observe how to become effective team players and organizational citizens
  • Come up with some insights on how to become effective team players and organizational citizens through:
    • Learning about self, interpersonal, group, and inter-group dynamics
    • Taking initiative, facilitating, and participating in teams
  • Acquire leadership competencies that are necessary in today’s real world.
3 Finance & Control Financial Reporting & Analysis FI-EX101 Dr. Manju Jaiswall
  • Understand basic structure of financial statements (Balance sheet, Profit and Loss account and Cash flow statement).
  • Comprehend the nature of items that usually appear in financial statements of public limited companies.
  • Analyze financial statements and arrive at a logical conclusion about the operating and financial strengths and weaknesses of a public limited company.
4 Management Information Systems Information Technology MI-EX101 Dr. Debashis Saha
  • Provide a comprehensive foundation for understanding disruptive role emerging information and communications technologies (ICT) are playing in enabling, transforming, and innovating business – be it small, medium or large.
  • Explore:
    • Using ICT as an underlying infrastructure resource for all business functions,
    • How companies design in-house ICT/digital systems to support their business models as well as enhance business processes.
    • How companies formulate appropriate ICT/digital strategy
    • How companies are managing digital disruptions that are transforming business, &
    • How companies manage ICT/digital complexity effectively.
  • Deal with top management challenges related to:
    • Concepts and tools of ICT applied to decision making in the digital economy.
    • New business applications arising out of ICT-enabled digital platforms.
    • Challenges in ICT implementation and digital transformation in organizations, &
    • ICT-driven changes in industries and companies.
  • Give a perspective of strategic roles of and operational issues in managing ICT as manifested in key resource planning, analysis, and design, both as a propeller and as an enabler of business transformation.
5 Operations Management Managerial Statistics OM-EX101 Dr. Prajamitra Bhuyan & Dr. Sahadeb Sarkar
  • Equip students with knowledge of modern statistical methodology.
  • Enable students to make efficient managerial decisions under uncertainty.
  • Form the basis of business analytics and play a major role in key areas of management science such as finance, marketing, operations and organizational behavior.
6 Induction and Orientation Basic Mathematics IN-EX101 Dr. Sahadeb Sarkar
  • Equip students with various mathematical tools and techniques crucial in reaching efficient managerial decisions. Knowledge of these mathematical tools and techniques will be a crucial part for effective learning in the course Managerial Statistics.
7 Business Ethics & Communication Managerial Communications 1 BC-EX101 Dr. Nandita Roy
  • Help students learn to recognize fundamental importance of communications in a managerial context – from the perspective of organizations, markets and individuals.
  • Discover that good managerial communication is contingent on a strategic understanding of the communication and business context within which the practicing manager is required to function, thereby developing skills to make informed decisions about individual communication strategy.
  • Learn the classic art of moving an audience from one position to another such that a behavioral change or opinion change (leading to some tangible change in action) is induced.
  • Recognize / decipher / analyze strategic persuasion in public speeches to apply persuasive strategies to develop effective speech content using communication frameworks and persuasive strategies.